Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Lake Bakail

We went to a small village (turning into a resort) Listvyanka, on Lake Baikal. It is in narrow valleys on the lake. The lake is still partially frozen, the water is now about 2 degrees but our local guide and one of our party went for a very brief dip in the water - 1 minute in the water adds a year to your life, 10 minutes ends it. it is very beautiful, we then went to see a church and the Limnology Institute.


Kerry Ilsley said...

Hi Pat Love the great pictures. Did you see any weeping camels in Mongolia? Great diary. Thanks for teaching me how to access it. Love Kerry

Eugenie said...

Pat, The photographs are just so good, have I missed something what is a ger.
Lovely Day in the Cream of the Mountains today. not nearly as exciting as Lake Bakail


Julie said...

Limnology institute? Also with Eugenie, the ger is a new one for me. Keep up the good psotings, we love your work. Julie

Pat said...

I saw some camels in Mongolia but not so close as to see if they were weeping.


A ger is a round dwelling made of hides in which nomadic Mongolians live. They have a small door facing south and a hole in the centre for the chimney of the stove. They are able to be moved for seasonal pastures.

Limnology is the study of inland water ways - Lake Bailkal is the world's deepest lake.

Pat said...

I saw some camels in Mongolia but not so close as to see if they were weeping.


A ger is a round dwelling made of hides in which nomadic Mongolians live. They have a small door facing south and a hole in the centre for the chimney of the stove. They are able to be moved for seasonal pastures.

Limnology is the study of inland water ways - Lake Bailkal is the world's deepest lake.