Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Horsens Denmark

Pictures of Marie, cafes along the stream in Århus, the Old
Town in Århus, fields outside the Gaarten's house, and Boy-

I am now in Horsens staying with Marie Gaarten's parents, Jan and Lone. Marie was our first exchange student in 1994 and she visited in 2001.

I enjoyed Helsinki where I managed to miss the Eurovision Song Contest but I met Maria Selin's mother Marjukka and her dog Taavi, who travelled to Helsinki by plane and was returning to Rovaniemi by train with Maria. Marjukka lives in the north of Helsinki where her husband farms reindeers.

I travelled to Stockholm by ferry, lots of food, and wonderful views of islands as we left Helsinki and for about 2 hours as we went into Stockholm. Then by train to Horsens which is north of
Copenhagen on the bit joined to Germany.

The house is surrounded by fields with barley, quite high - so different to Irkutsk 2 weeks ago.
Today I went to Århus and saw in the museum a work 'Boy' 1999, 490 x 490 x 240 cm by Australian artist Ron Mueck, whom I had never heard of. Have you?


Eugenie said...

Pat. this is almost too much to take in, how are you managing to see everything and keep your audience(thats us) enthralled as well Thank you so much.


Julie said...

Dear P
did you pack your cards?

Julie said...

Hi Again

I saw an exhibitiion of Ron Mueuks(?) work at the museum of contemporary art, Circular Quay a couple of years back, I only remembered when I saw your photo of the squatting boy.